Utility and safety of three-dimensional contrast low-dose dobutamine echocardiography in the evaluation of myocardial viability early after an acute myocardial infarction
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Submission date: 2015-12-16
Final revision date: 2016-01-08
Acceptance date: 2016-01-08
Online publication date: 2016-03-17
Publication date: 2018-04-13
Arch Med Sci 2018;14(3):488-492
The aim of the study was to determine the utility and safety of three-dimensional contrast low-dose dobutamine echocardiography (3DCLDDE) in the evaluation of myocardial viability early after ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).

Material and methods:
We prospectively evaluated a group of 100 consecutive patients. Myocardial viability was assessed using dobutamine echocardiography in 76 patients with segmental wall motion abnormalities, including 37 patients evaluated using 3DCLDDE and 39 patients evaluated using a standard low-dose dobutamine echocardiography protocol (LDDE), alternately.

Single ventricular ectopic beats were observed during the test in 1 (2.5%, 1, p = 1) patient in the 3DCLDDE group, while pain (1, p = 1) dyspnea (1, p = 1), single ventricular beats (2, p = 1), and complex ventricular arrhythmia (2, p = 0.49) were noted in 4 (10%) patients in the LDDE group. Five-year survival was 89% in the 3DCLDDE group and 87% in the LDDE group.

3DCLDDE and LDDE are equally safe and useful in patients after STEMI.
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