The rs2228145 polymorphism in the interleukin-6 receptor and its association with long-term prognosis after myocardial infarction in a pilot study
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Submission date: 2015-04-08
Final revision date: 2015-05-18
Acceptance date: 2015-06-01
Online publication date: 2016-03-17
Publication date: 2016-12-22
Arch Med Sci 2017;13(1):93-99
Introduction: Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a cytokine with a complex function that is described as both pro- and anti-inflammatory. One factor that influences its function is the rs2228145 A/C single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the IL-6 receptor (IL6R) gene. C allele carriers have a decreased inflammatory response and decreased prevalence of ischemic heart disease. The aim of the study was to investigate the association of the rs2228145 SNP of the IL6R gene with long-term total mortality in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) treated invasively.
Material and methods: We analyzed the data of consecutive patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Genotyping was performed with the TaqMan method. The analyzed end-point was total long-term mortality (median: 2875 days).
Results: The registry comprised 553 patients (mean age: 62.4 ±11.9 years; 25.6% females, n = 142; TIMI 3 obtained in 91.7% of patients, n = 507). No significant differences in baseline characteristics were found between the genotypes. During long-term follow-up 171 (30.9%) patients died. There was non-significantly higher mortality in the rs2228145 AA homozygotes compared to C allele carriers (OR = 1.34, 95% CI: 0.93–1.93, p = 0.1).
Conclusions: The rs2228145 polymorphism of IL6R was not significantly associated with long-term mortality after STEMI. However, AA homozygotes (high-risk genotype for ischemic heart disease) showed a trend towards adverse outcome compared to C allele carriers. The observed trend is promising, but it requires independent replication studies.
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