It is necessary to investigate the current psychological distress and needs status of patients with pituitary adenoma in China.

Material and methods:
Patients with pituitary adenoma treated in our hospital between May 2019 and December 2019 were included. The psychological distress and needs scale for pituitary adenoma patients was used to investigate the psychological distress and needs of patients. Additionally, univariate and multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to analyze the influencing factors.

A total of 254 valid questionnaires were included. The total psychological distress and need score of patients with pituitary adenoma was 23.89 ±18.41 and 21.91 ±20.03 points respectively. There were significant differences in the psychological distress score according to different occupational status, personal income, types of pituitary adenomas, size of pituitary adenoma, invasiveness, endocrine level and history of surgery (all p < 0.05). The size of pituitary adenoma, endocrine level and pituitary adenoma type were the influencing factors of patients’ psychological distress (all p < 0.05). There were significant differences in the need score according to different age, occupational status, personal income, types of pituitary adenomas and endocrine level (all p < 0.05). Endocrine level, other rare types of pituitary adenoma and age were the influencing factors of patients’ needs (all p < 0.05).

Our study is one of the few studies focused on the psychological distress and needs status of Chinese patients with pituitary adenoma. Medical staff should pay attention to the psychological distress of patients with the large, rare type of pituitary adenomas and abnormal endocrine level, and apply appropriate interventions to alleviate their psychological distress
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