Special paper – Anatomical pathology
Digital analysis of the orbit using the non-referring method
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Submission date: 2010-11-06
Final revision date: 2011-01-07
Acceptance date: 2011-03-13
Online publication date: 2014-02-23
Publication date: 2014-02-20
Arch Med Sci 2014;10(1):182-190
Introduction: Anthropological analysis of the orbits using classic anthropometric instruments based on width and height measurements as well as orbital index allows for classification of orbits in terms of their shape, yet it has poor clinical application. Nowadays computer graphics enables a precise research technique implementing the latest achievements in digital technology and data recording. The aim of the study was to compare in let parameters of left and right orbits in male and female skulls by means of digital analysis techniques.
Material and methods: The analysis was carried out on 184 early medieval well-preserved skulls. The examined crania were fixed into Molisson’s craniost at in the author’s own modification. They were directed in space towards the Frankfurt plane and photographed in a frontal norm. Parameters describing the plane structure of the orbits were obtained through computer analysis, integrating raster and vector graphics of mathematical recordings of craniofacial structures.
Results: The research demonstrated some differences between male and female skulls. Parameters of right orbit like area, circumference, radius, excavation, circularity deviation and functional were statistically significant higher values in male skull. The following parameters of left orbit: area, circumference, reference circle radius, parameter describing height between two point (mf-ek), maximal width, maximal excavation in relation to median and mean, circularity deviation and functional were statistically significant higher parameter in the male group.
Conclusions: Orbit shape variability, and especially variability of the orbit in let, are highly important features for anthropologists and maxillofacial surgeons, hence the usefulness of the in let orbit shape digital analysis.
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