The clinical significance of miR-877 and histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRG) in preeclampsia (PE) remains unknown. Bioinformatics ana­lyses have identified HRG as a target for numerous microRNAs. Based on novelty and target score, miR-877 was selected for this study to assess the clinical significance of miR-877 and HRG in placental and serum samples from patients with PE, with the aim of elucidating their potential role in disease progression.

Material and methods:
This study included 75 placental tissue samples and 75 serum samples obtained from patients with PE and normal controls. The PE group was subdivided into mild and severe cases. Relative quantification of miR-877 and HRG was performed using quantitative reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, respectively.

Placental and serum miR-877 levels were significantly elevated in pregnancies with PE, especially in severe cases, compared to normal controls. However, there were significant reductions in HRG serum levels along with significant increases in placental HRG levels among patients with PE. Moreover, significant differences in miR-877 and HRG levels were noted between the PE and control groups.

miR-877 and HRG may play a role in the pathogenesis and progression of PE. Moreover, miR-877 potentially plays a role in the dysregulation of HRG. In addition, these molecules are potential biomarkers for the detection of PE as well as differentiation of mild and severe cases.
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