Comparative effects of methylprednisolone and tetracosactide (ACTH1–24) on ischemia/reperfusion injury of the rabbit spinal cord
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Submission date: 2016-07-17
Final revision date: 2016-09-01
Acceptance date: 2016-09-17
Online publication date: 2017-01-31
Publication date: 2018-10-31
Arch Med Sci 2018;14(6):1459-1470
Tetracosactide is an engineered peptide that applies the same biological impacts as the endogenous adrenocorticotropic hormone. Previous studies indicated that tetracosactide has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and neurotrophic activity. In this study, we hypothesized that tetracosactide may have protective effects in spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion injury.

Material and methods:
Rabbits were randomized into the accompanying four groups of eight animals each: group 1 (control), group 2 (ischemia), group 3 (methylprednisolone) and group 4 (tetracosactide). In the control group, just a laparotomy was performed. In the various groups, the spinal cord ischemia model was made by the impediment of the aorta only caudal to the renal vein. Neurological assessment was conducted with the Tarlov scoring system. Levels of myeloperoxidase, malondialdehyde and catalase were analyzed, similar to the activities of xanthine oxidase and caspase-3. Histopathological and ultrastructural assessments were additionally performed.

After ischemia-reperfusion injury, increments were found in the tissue myeloperoxidase levels (p < 0.001), malondialdehyde levels (p < 0.001), xanthine oxidase action (p < 0.001) and caspase-3 movement (p < 0.001). Conversely, both serum and tissue catalase levels were diminished (p < 0.001 for both). After the administration of tetracosactide, declines were seen in the tissue myeloperoxidase levels (p < 0.001), malondialdehyde levels (p = 0.003), xanthine oxidase action (p < 0.001) and caspase-3 movement (p < 0.001). Conversely, both the serum and tissue catalase levels were expanded (p < 0.001). Besides, tetracosactide treatment indicated enhanced results related to the histopathological scores (p < 0.001), the ultra-structural score (p = 0.008) and the Tarlov scores (p < 0.001).

The findings showed for the first time that tetracosactide shows significant neuroprotective activity against ischemia-reperfusion injury of the spinal cord.
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