Oxidative stress and inflammation are involved in the pathogenesis of VC in patients with hyperuricemia, while lowering the uric acid level accordingly reduces the risk of VC. Additionally, both ALL and COL suppress inflammatory response and oxidative stress. However, it is unclear whether novel therapeutic strategies, such as combined administration of COL and ALL, can achieve a better performance in lowering hyperuricemia. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the effect of co-administration of COL and ALL in the treatment of VC.

Material and methods:
Von Kossa staining was performed to evaluate the aortic vascular calcification in HUC rats treated under different therapeutic conditions. Quantitative real-time PCR was carried out to analyze the expression of genes involved in the pathogenesis of hyperuricemia.

Combined administration of COL and ALL alleviated the aortic vascular calcification in HUC rats. The aberrant up-regulation of genes related to differentiation, BMP2, RUNX2, OC and ALP, was effectively reversed by the combined treatment of COL and ALL in HUC rats and cellular models. Besides, the dysregulation of enzymes and cytokines involved in oxidative and inflammatory responses was restored by the combined treatment of COL and ALL.

In this study, we tested the therapeutic effect of ALL combined with COL on the treatment of VC in animals with hyperuricemia by examining their influence on oxidative stress and inflammation. Our work helped to gain a deeper insight into the molecular mechanism of hyperuricemia, and revealed that the efficiency of the combined treatment with COL and ALL out-performed the mono-therapy of any single compound.
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