A new detection model directed at the coordination and simplification of global HIV treatment is described in this paper. It provides both health workers and patients worldwide with important medical information regarding disease status in real time, at home. We developed an innovative monitoring technology that significantly streamlines HIV treatment strategies and thus leads to more effective control of HIV infection.

Material and methods:
This technology is built around an original bionanosensor (BNS) detection device, which utilizes piezoelectric technology to detect and track HIV infection within hours of initial exposure to this virus. The BNS device rapidly, and specifically, detects even low levels of HIV-1 p24 core protein within a small sample.

BNS assays were conducted with small volume samples (10–100 µl) in a 10–20 mm3 detection chamber, and results were obtained within 5–15 minutes of test initiation. This assay was able to detect of 0.3–3.0 ng/ml of p24 protein, which was validated with a parallel ELISA analysis. These levels are typically observed during the early onset of infection and/or in individuals undergoing HAART therapy.

The BNS assay will provide a specific and personal health profile or health signature of HIV/AIDS patients. The potential applicability of the BNS for use in multiple clinical and point-of-care settings worldwide is considerable. It lowers the cost of HIV detection and treatment as well as significantly improves patients’ quality of live. Finally, this technology will provide a platform for the detection and treatment of numerous other viral infections and health conditions.
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